Unlock Instant Demos

Give potential customers the option to get a live demo with an AI agent right away

Fully automated AI product demos

One of the significant hurdles in the traditional demo process is the delay and dependency on human availability. Potential leads often visit your site with high engagement and interest, only to find they must schedule a demo for a later date, risking the loss of momentum and interest due to the waiting period.

With Instant Demos, Demu eliminates this gap. Our advanced AI agents are ready to deliver live, real-time, fully automated product demonstrations the moment a visitor shows interest. No waiting, no scheduling, just instant access to a comprehensive and interactive product demo that operates seamlessly as if conducted by your best sales representative.

Working 24/7 for you

Save time by having our AI agents get on sales calls and product demos for you.
AI agents working
Product demos done in 24 hours

How many demo calls do you average per month?

Let's start closing demos on autopilot today!

10 demo calls


$30 per additional demo call
AI sales agent working 24/7
Instant demos
coming soon
Choose your voice and tone
Custom product demo
Google Meet, Cal, Savvycal integration
Dedicated API endpoint

Multiple agents, Instant Demos, SLA, custom agreements, pay via PO, and more!

Explore how Demu AI agents can elevate your agency's offerings with multiple agents and more!

Benefits of using Demu

From engaged to closed

Fully autonomous and designed for efficiency, our agents handle the entire sales process from start to finish!

1. Scheduling: Our AI agents are equipped with their own calendars. This means your leads will book a time on the AI agent's calendar. We currently integrate with Cal.com and Savvycal.

2. Presentation: Once a call is scheduled, our AI agents don’t just show up; they perform. They join calls and deliver product demonstrations with the same expertise you would expect from your best human salesperson, tailoring the presentation to the interests of each potential customer.

3. Interactive Q&A: Our AI doesn’t stop at presentations. It engages in real-time, interactive discussions with leads, answering any questions and handling objections just as a skilled salesperson would.

Different languages, voice and tone

With Demu, you can tailor your AI sales agents to speak in over 20+ different languages, ensuring that your message transcends geographical and linguistic barriers.

But our customization options don’t stop there. You can also choose from a diverse range of voices, selecting from 11labs's catalog to find the perfect match for your brand’s identity and your audience's preferences.

Whether you're aiming for a voice that’s authoritative and confident, friendly and inviting, or any tone in between, our technology empowers you to showcase the unique personality of your brand and product.

Hefty commission fees Scale as you go

Demu eliminates the need for the lengthy and costly process of hiring, training, and managing human sales agents. Instead, you can quickly deploy AI sales agents that are not only faster to scale but also remarkably efficient and consistent in delivering your product demos across the globe.

Unlike traditional sales models, where commission and overhead costs can escalate as you expand your team, Demu allows you to grow your sales force without any additional commission fees.

Our technology provides a fixed-cost solution that makes budgeting straightforward and predictable.

Recorded Live Demos

Unlike recorded demo videos, our demos are live. They are also intelligent, responding in real time to questions, adapting the flow of information based on viewer interest, and handling objections as they arise. This level of interactivity ensures that potential customers remain engaged, feel heard, and receive the personalized attention that can make all the difference in their decision-making process.

Always available

Unlike human agents, our AI doesn’t need breaks or days off. They are available around the clock, across time zones, ready to engage leads whenever it suits them best.

Our live demos are available on-demand, 24/7, allowing viewers to initiate a personalized demo whenever curiosity strikes. This instant access is not only convenient but also capitalizes on the viewer's peak interest, dramatically enhancing the likelihood of conversion.